A Complete Guide Of Motion Graphics

What is motion graphics?

Motion graphics is comprised of animated graphic designs. They are like pieces of animation which creates an illusion of motion. Motion graphics comes along with its particular audios for multimedia. Motion graphics videos usually includes its suitable music and animated shapes in motion graphics represents human beings and their emotions. It actually represents a particular subject through the moving shapes. It often comes with texts, but have more actions with shaped designs. The innovation of motion graphics is unmatching from simple animations to big business promotional videos. Motion graphics are constantly emerging as creativity is linked with technology and designs.

Motion graphics are generally used in movies. But in this digital world, motion graphics are widely used for promotional purposes of a brand’s products/services. As we know, brands are commonly using motion graphics for their growth.

Let’s take a look at how motion graphics helps brand to grow higher?

There are mainly 3 types of motion graphics. They are:

  • 2D
  • 3D
  • VFX

In motion graphics, 2D, 3D and VFX are animations that are mainly used to engage the audience with at most interest in a brand’s products/services.

Let’s see what are they and how does it help in business growth?

1. 2D

Firstly, what is 2D animation? In the world of animation, 2D vector-based animations are the most common type of animation. It represents graphics which is created in 2-dimensional graphics like illustrator and Adobe photoshop. If we can’t rotate an object to get multiple views, it is basically 2D animation.


  • Higher degree of creativity to attract the potential audience.
  • Cost-effective when compared to other video marketing strategies.
  • Faster production of motion graphics helps to grow the business faster.
  • Easily updateable according to our needs and wants.
  • 2D animations can be expanded to create print and web based materials such as business cards, post cards, website assets etc.
  • 2D animations are versatile as it can be used to create wide range of contents including advertisements.

2. 3D


  • Eye-catching to the potential audience
  • Dynamic in nature and it has more options for visual story telling
  • Expands a brand’s growth and engagement through creative brand image and increases brand awareness among the potential audience.
  • Boosts our brand’s online presence
  • Cost- effective than other marketing strategies. But, efficient in performance.
  • Expands engagement of customers with the brands easily.
  • Impactfully delivers the brand’s message with enhanced visual effects to the potential audience.

3. VFX

VFX or visual effects is a term described as an imagery either created or manipulated for films or moving medias which doesn’t occur while live-action shooting. VFX are widely used in advertisements that acts as a catalyst for the communication of a brand’s products/services to the masses effectively. By using VFX in advertisements, we can easily form an impactful footprint for the promotion of brands, business and consumers. The future Of VFX in advertising is booming actually. So, enabling them in our marketing strategies will help us reach our marketing goals within a short period of time.


  • Helps to create stunning visuals to attract our audience and leave an impression on their mind even after it is watched.
  • We can stand out from the crowd by using VFX in our video marketing strategies.
  • Creates both unique and memorable brand identity among the audience.


1. Easy communication of brand’s message

The brand’s message can be easily and effectively communicated with its potential audience through motion graphics. We can convert our ideas and messages into animation. Thereby our brand’s message will be aesthetically appealing, acceptable and understanding for the audience. Our audience are always busy. So that if we try to communicate with them through boring posters, they won’t even take a look at it. If the same brand message is converted to a creative animation, they will definitely look at it.

2. For movies & video titles

Have you noticed movie titles presented in a creative way? It is because motion graphics is used in it to communicate the movie title with the audience easily. While we go watch a movie, the first impression we get is the title of the movie. So, it is inevitable to create a creative and aesthetically appealing motion graphics to attract and impress the audience into the movie. The movie title will be presented with a piece of background music for evoking a happy emotion among the audience.

3. For social media contents

In this digital world, people are depending upon social media platforms for news, information and updates. So, creating content videos for our brand’s products/services will attract a lot of people to our business. Motion graphics works as a catalyst for improving customer engagements. By the addition of motion graphics, more people will get attracted to our post. It will help us to make them as our customers. That means the sales will be increased by using motion graphics in social media contents.

4. Social engagement

One of the main advantages of motion graphics is its shareability. We know that Instagram reels are going viral due to its easy shareability. Likewise, with the shareability of motion graphics, we can make our motion graphics go viral. Thereby we can create an organic growth to our business. Motion graphics will also go viral if it holds amazing contents.

5. Cost-effective with higher returns

One of the main advantages of motion graphics is its capability to engage the customers. Contents are designed not only for providing information, but also the customer engagement with the brands. The addition of motion graphics to our websites and blogs will enhance the front page in such a way that the chance of showing on the google results gets increased by 50 times. When it is used in e-mail marketing, the click rate will get doubled.

6. Higher retention rates.

Other than any textual or static images, motion graphics provides a higher retention rate. As our world is progressing each day, video contents have a higher digital space. It makes the brand’s online viewers interested. These kinds of videos can be used in websites and landing pages.

7. Logo graphics

Company logos, websites etc. are getting more attractive by using motion graphics in it.

8. For digital marketing purposes.

Digital marketing which includes search engine marketing, e-mail marketing and social media marketing make use of motion graphics. Digital marketing is done effectively through motion graphics by attracting & engaging with the audience.


  • Motion graphics are pieces of animation that creates an illusion of motion.
  • Motion graphics helps to attract the audience in a short period of time.
  • Video & motion graphics are different.
  • Motion graphics are cost -effective, yet efficient in digital marketing.
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