Why Digital Marketing ?

What is marketing? The word is known by many, but understood by a few. When We look around, marketing is everywhere. From presenting yourself for a job Interview to selling a company’s product includes marketing. Marketing aims in gaining profits by creating, communicating and delivering the quality products to their targeted audience. Marketing helps the organizations to create demand among the people and earn profits. Without these two aspects, a company will not survive.

In the earlier times, an organization was mainly   Focused on the production of goods. They were unaware of marketing and its strategies. So they were paid less  even though they could provide best quality products. Traditional marketing couldn’t utilize the digital platforms to promote their products. They used mediums such as radio, TV commercials, magazines, newspaper advertisements, banner advertisements, posters, direct mail and telemarketing. The outdoor marketing ways includes flyers, brochures and billboards. Traditional marketing has some drawbacks such as limited customer interaction, higher cost and no control over timing. Moreover, it can’t be easily updated. So it makes everything more risky.

In this new era, there are different kinds of Marketing. The introduction of digital marketing has transformed the marketing Industry itself. As we all are living in a busy world, everything coming on our fingertips get the best priority. Our  screen time has increased than it was in the past. The targeted audience spends more time online. So that the organizations are making use of this to get maximum profits. Each organization competes with each other to grab their attention. Digital marketing is mainly done through online advertisements and social medias.

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